Pick Up The Nail

Pick Up The Nail


Roadside Treasures

“A butterfly flaps its wings…”

Most of us have heard of “The Butterfly Effect”, which states that the effects of a seemingly insignificant event can, if given enough time, eventually result in far-reaching consequences.

The version that I have usually heard is that the change in the wind from a butterfly flapping its wings can ultimately lead to a hurricane halfway around the world.

While mostly agreeing with the premise, it has always bothered me that the generally accepted example used to illustrate “The Butterfly Effect” leads to the negative and destructive effect of a hurricane.

With this as a backdrop, a question entered my mind when I bent down during today’s run to pick up a nail that I saw on the road, prompting me to think about the multitude of items that I have picked up over the years while running thousands of miles on the roads.

Shouldn’t we have a more positive version of “The Butterfly Effect”?

As I tend to do while running, my wandering mind began to develop scenarios where this seemingly innocuous act of picking up a nail may have created a positive ripple effect.

Perhaps picking up the nail prevented a driver from getting a flat tire, causing the hassle of changing the tire (in the rain, no less) and having to pay to get it repaired. Perhaps this flat tire would have made them late for a job interview. Or worse yet, maybe it would have caused a traffic accident.

Who knows?

For me, this whole train of thought will serve as a reminder to pay more attention and not be too hurried to “break stride” to pick up more “nails” that lay in our shared path. Every single action could eventually have a positive impact.

You just never know.

Pick up the nail.

“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”

~ Mother Teresa


“Never trust runners. They’re always the ones who ‘find’ dead bodies. I’m no detective, but just sayin’.”

It has become cliché, due probably to the proliferation of TV crime dramas, that runners are always the ones who find dead bodies.

Well, fortunately for me, since I began my “second life” as a runner back in 2004, I have never experienced such a misfortune. But I can say that I have found an amazing array of items while traveling on foot over thousands of miles of roads and trails.

And for reasons known only to me, years ago I began to pick up these items and run home with them, which over time has led to an ongoing work of “performance art” that I have entitled “The Found While Running Collage” (I know, such a catchy and unique name, huh?)

Every time that I pick up one of these items, I always wonder about its origin. Who did it belong to? Was it accidentally left on the roof of the owner’s car or the back of their truck, only to fall off for me to find?

When it appears that the item was purposely thrown from a vehicle, I always ponder that age-old question that has confounded the great thinkers and philosophers for centuries:

What makes a driver think to themself…

“You know, I’m REALLY tired of this ice cube tray, and I absolutely cannot wait until I get home to throw it away. I’m going for it – NOW is the exact perfect time for me to throw it out my car window!”

These are the profound things that runners think about.

Anyway, without any further ado, here is the most recent inventory of the items that we have found over the past 15 years of running that comprise the “Found While Running/Steve Needs to Get a Life” collage:

3 calculators

A cell phone

2 home phone handsets

A bong (in case you’re wondering, it was about 5 miles from home)

$3.33 in change (6 quarters, 10 dimes, 2 nickels, and 73 pennies – please don’t tell anybody, as I do not want to lose my amateur status!)

4 padlocks

Ice cube tray

A key fob

LOTS of keys

Numerous CD’s

A love letter from Carson to Josh

A Polaroid photo of somebody receiving some sort of certificate

A Dillon’s card

Too many cigarette lighters to count

A 30-day car tag

A penguin (a plastic toy! We haven’t run in Antarctica … yet)

Several children’s toys

19 bungee cords

Several broken sunglasses and eyeglasses

Multiple golf balls


Koozies from Weis Equipment, KSFFA 125th Conference, Harold’s Tire, Budweiser, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Grills and Grinders “We Want to Rub Your Butts”, Holy Smokin’ Jamboree, and Protec

Several nuts, bolts, screws, washers, and hardware of every imagineable type

Many car magnets

A Dave McCarty baseball card

House numbers – “5”, “7”, “3”, and “4”

A fishing bobber

A biker’s skull cap

More gloves than I can count – never in pairs, dangit!

Several wheel covers (don’t always pick those up, depends on how far I am from home!)

Many single shoes and sandals (never a pair, but I always look for the companion – when the blessed day comes that I hit the Daily Double, I’ll let you know!)

A series of sonogram pictures (including the name, tempting us for years to go knock on their door to find out how things came out, so to speak)

Numerous pieces of rope

Children’s animal book

2 vent pipes

Ford Super Duty ball cap

Tail-light cover (there have been many others, but this one was “only” a mile from home!)

Multiple business cards

Clothes hangers

A #4 Birthday (we assume) balloon

A rubber snake (literally made me jump while running on 46th Street! If someone purposefully put it out there, you got me!)

Lottery tickets (non-winning … I checked!)

Swim goggles

A single puzzle piece (We have been looking all over the place for that! Now we can finally finish that puzzle that has been on our dining room table for 7 years!)

A ½ inch socket

A yellow softball (run over by a mower?)

A shoe sole

A men’s belt (just in time for back-to-school!)

Field and Stream zippered case (for glasses, maybe?)

Keychain for a 2011 Dodge Dakota (no keys, dangit)

Headlight lens cover

Fully inflated beach ball (decided to deflate it for the remaining 4 miles)

Numerous cell phone covers

BBQ grill plate

Bundle of pens

Plastic green toy soldier

A “Weather Tips” card

A Josten’s bookmark

Red panties (no comment)

Drill adaptor

Shotgun shells

Full set of lugnuts

Sam’s Club card (with owner’s photo on back)

PetSmart PetPerks card

Genie garage door opener

Keychain for City Ford of Tonganoxie

Unsmoked cigarettes (a rare find … usually just butts)

Tire gauge

Lots of golf tees

Keychain for State Farm – Dennis Richter

Poker chip

Necklace (probably faux gold)

Size 10 metric wrench

Cotter pin (welcome back … had to do it!)

Luggage tag with name

McDonald’s Gift (Arch) Card

Fidget spinner

Waste Management “We Support Our Troops” pin

Drill bit

Faucet handle

Men’s watch

Ear plugs

Headphones for an iPhone

Car phone charger

USB cord

Size 11/16 inch wrench

Mattress spring

Car mat

Shaving kit

MasterCard (cut up, but owner’s name and card number intact!)

A sewing machine that apparently was an anvil in a previous life (know anything about this, Paula Thiessen?)

Instructions for “How to go to confession”

Pocket planner with calculator

Gas cap

DVD case for “Garden Ho’s” (no DVD inside, but it’s what you think … an “instructional” video)

Power steering hose

Engine coolant hose (sense a theme here?)

Multiple screwdrivers

Medal for Santa Fe Trail track meet

Pill Bottle

Tickets to “Capital City Carnage” at the Kansas Expocentre

Golf towel for IBEW International Convention

Certificate of Acknowledgement for Boy’s Town (with recipient’s name)

Ratchet strap

Driveway reflector

Many playing cards (still don’t have a full deck, but many of you knew this already!)

Paw Patrol sandal

Several knives

Multiple spoons (never have found a fork. What’s up with that?)


Full roll of electrical tape

Hippo Hunt lottery ticket

Car side mirror

Creepy snowman stuffed “animal”

Employee badge for “Amanda”

Chewed up baseball

Ladies visor

Salad tongs

Several old “pine tree” car air fresheners

Thumb drive (scared to put it into my computer – maybe it has info on who shot JFK?)

Contico “badge”

Industrial hook

Size 5/8 inch wrench

Address book

A “Poopy Puppy” firework (it was unlit … or un-“something”)

Toilet water line

Capitol City Pawn and Jewelry Customer Loyalty card (has name on it, so if you can prove it’s yours, I’ll return it!)

Denison State Bank card

A KU Football ticket

A half-full bottle of vodka … and a mile later a pair of panties (what a party that must have been!)

WHEW! I’m tired just looking at that list, and can’t wait to see what other treasures we will find to add to this “museum collection” in the future.