Every Bit Helps

Whatever you can donate goes directly to families of children who have been diagnosed with cancer. The money covers medical bills and travel expenses to see specialists. It helps ease the burden placed on families, and helps them to focus on what matters: getting better.

All donations will be shared equally by

BabyJay’s Legacy of Hope &
Rock Chalk Roundball Classic.


Prefer to donate by check?

Checks made out to “Rock Chalk Roundball Classic” with “Running4” in the Memo line may be mailed to the following address:

Rock Chalk Roundball Classic
PO Box 4972
Topeka, KS 66604

Our Progress

Funds raised to date by the Running4 initiative

When the Running4 initiative was established in 2014, we set what we thought was the audacious goal of raising $26,200 (or $1,000 for every mile of a marathon).

Since that goal has been blown away by the tremendous generosity of hundreds of donors, we have now revised our goal, striving to raise $262,000 (or $10,000 for every mile of a marathon).

Thank You for your support!


($26,000 Goal)


($51,000 Goal)


($262,000 Goal)

Total Progress



My Epiphany

“What are you running for?”

Throughout my 50-State Marathon journey, the question came with increasing regularity, and the answer had been equally predictable.

“I am running for my health. I am running for my sanity.”

Basically, Running for myself.

Then one day, The Epiphany.

When you run, you have a lot of time to think deeply profound thoughts, and one day the thought comes.

“Shouldn’t I use this blessing that I have been given to help others?”

As you run past the houses of all of the courageous Angels, Fighters, and Survivors in your life who bravely face the scourge of cancer, their inspiration takes hold of your heart.

The usual doubts and fears creep in.

“I’m not a fundraiser. I don’t like to ask people for money. I can’t do this.”

Then you realize something.

The Angels, Fighters, and Survivors boldly face their fears, and you should do the same.

“I should be running for them. Yes, I can do this.”

And Running4 is born.

Running4 Angels
Running4 Fighters
Running4 Survivors

Until the day when cancer has been conquered, I will be out running the roads and trails to raise funds in support of those who have been affected by cancer.

Rain or Shine. Or Snow.

That’s WHO I am running for…