July 27, 2016
“Nobody lives forever.”
My mom had shared these words, spoken by my Grandma Hazel, many times whenever she recounted her mother’s battle with cancer.
So on the day when mom received her own cancer diagnosis last summer, she repeated these words and then provided her own addendum.
“It’s true that nobody lives forever, but that’s just here on earth. Some day we will all live together in eternity.”
Today, while surrounded by her family, Mom peacefully left this earthly life.
Although the fresh sting of loss fills our hearts with sadness, we are at the same time filled with joy in the knowledge that Mom is at peace and is now reunited with her mother Hazel, father Maynard, and sister Marion. Mom is no doubt already making preparations for a family feast for when the rest of us join the eternal celebration.
Our hearts are filled with gratitude for the many blessings that we have shared in the 14 months since Mom’s diagnosis. Weddings, graduations, birthdays, concerts, holidays, and another Royals World Series Championship! (ask me some time about how we got into Game 7 in 1985…)
Among the many thoughts she shared with me over the past 14 months, two come immediately to mind.
The first is how grateful she has been for all the prayers, thoughts, and actions from the multitude of family, friends, and health professionals who have compassionately provided care. Our family wishes to express our sincere thanks for all of your kind gestures.
Secondly, in typical fashion mom spent a great deal of time thinking about all of the others who are in The Fight. She strongly encouraged me to continue Running4 all the people whose lives have been affected by cancer, and to keep raising awareness and funds to eradicate this menace to humanity.
It seems only fitting that we honor my mom’s love for children through our affiliation with BabyJay’s Legay of Hope and the Rock Chalk Roundball Classic.
We appreciate your consideration of contributing to these wonderful organizations through the following link, and for your ongoing support and prayers.
I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith
2 Timothy 4:7
On the afternoon that Mom died, I went for a run – it’s my therapy.
Though not my usual custom, for some reason on that day I decided to listen to music while running.
When the following words came through my headphones, I had to stop.
While weeping along the roadside, it was like Mom was telling me that everything was going to be all right.
We’ve come together on this special day
To sing our message loud and clear
Looking back we’ve touched on sorrowful days
Future disappearedYou will find peace of mind
If you look way down in your heart and soul
Don’t hesitate ’cause the world seems cold
Stay young at heart ’cause you’re never old at heartThat’s the way of the world
“That’s the Way of the World” by Earth, Wind, and Fire
Plant your flower and you grow a pearl
Child is born with a heart of gold
The way of the world makes his heart so cold